Category: Uncategorized
Miller Lab at WSN 2024
Lab members traveled to the Western Society of Naturalists conference in Portland, Oregon to present recent research. Monica, Lily, and Miles presented talks and posters on our work on estuary mussels, rocky intertidal crabs, and harbor tide pools. Lily McIntire was awarded best student talk in the speed talk category.
Lily McIntire awarded CSU COAST Graduate Student Engagement award
Joint Doctoral student Lily McIntire was awarded one of two Graduate Student Engagement awards for her contributions to inclusive mentoring practices, in part through her contributions to the Coastal and Marine Institute Laboratory Mentored Undergraduate Research Program over the last few years. This award was given by the the CSU Council on Ocean Affairs, Science…
Miller lab featured in SDSU Research Highlights and SDSU College of Sciences video
Check it out! Links below: SDSU Highlights SDSU College of Sciences Feature
Thanks to our CMIL Summer Community College Research Interns!
Ka Mwee Paw and Angel Sanchez finished their internship with Lauren Strope and Gabby Kalbach this summer. Big thanks to Ka Mwee and Angel for their help attaching oyster sensors, participating in field work, feeding oysters, and hanging out with us at CMIL. We can’t wait to hear where their future adventures take them. Read…
NOAA NERRS Science Collaborative Project The Miller Lab has recently begun a project funded by NOAA’s National Estuarine Research Reserve System Science Collaborative, administered through the University of Michigan. This project aims to create a low-cost, open source hardware system for monitoring bivalve (oyster and mussel) behavior and physiology. We will be collaborating with local stakeholders, including the Tijuana…
Presentation – Monitoring bivalves and environmental conditions in the field (using open source hardware)
I had to give a remote talk for a symposium on Open Hardware at the annual Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) meeting in January 2022, so here’s a copy for general consumption. In this talk, I discuss the approach and some of the tools (hardware and software) we use to develop specialized data…
Publication on estimating community production
We have a new open access paper published in Scientific Reports that discusses differences in estimates of community-level productivity (photosynthesis vs. respiration) in tide pools. We carried out this work in southeastern Alaska on an intertidal rocky shore, where individual tide pools that become isolated from the ocean at low tide can serve as little…
Paper on oystercatchers feeding on owl limpets featured in Hakai Magazine
Our paper on the effects of warming temperatures on owl limpet tenacity and their susceptibility to bird predation was the subject of a short feature article in Hakai Magazine. You can find the article here:
Paper published on our open source project, Open Wave Height Logger
Typically, measuring ocean wave conditions can require some fairly expensive equipment, or relies on distant wave buoys or computer models that may not give the best picture of your local field site. We designed the Open Wave Height Logger to provide researchers with a low-cost and long-duration pressure sensor data logger that could be used…
Measuring oystercatcher predation on limpets
The Journal of Experimental Biology highlighted our paper on the interaction between limpet temperature stress and susceptibility to oystercatcher predation. The news article is available here: The paper that this work is based on is available here: This work was done in collaboration with Rachel Pound and Professor Jennifer Burnaford at CSU Fullerton…
Oyster biosensor project featured on KPBS
Oysters To Serve As Biological Sensors In San Diego Estuaries – web version and radio story audio Luke Miller and masters student Gabriella Kalbach were featured in a radio spot describing our collaborative project with Dr. Sarah Giddings at UCSD/Scripps Institution of Oceanography to measure oyster responses to hypoxia (low oxygen) events in local San Diego…